Why you should hire a personal injury lawyer

by | Jan 20, 2017 | Personal Injury Attorney

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If you’ve been injured in an accident, and both you and the other party are insured, then you might think it’s best to let the insurance companies work it out. After all, you’ve paid your premium and they have your best interest in mind, right? Well, not really. In fact, they may be scheming behind the scenes to make sure you get the least payout possible. That’s why hiring a personal injury lawyer in St. Petersburg FL, or your local area, is so important. Here are just a few reasons you should hire a lawyer to fight for you:

  • Personal injury lawyers understand your situation: They have plenty of experience dealing with these cases and they understand what you are going through. Whether they visit you in the hospital or at home, they bring with them empathy and experience.
  • They have experience dealing with insurance companies: If you deal with your insurance company yourself, they are sure to sweet talk you into taking a settlement, because they are counting on your inexperience and vulnerability. A lawyer will fight for you and your rights.
  • They understand the law: Personal injury lawyers know the law; they know how to file claims, get all the paperwork in on time, and they know what is needed to ensure you get what you deserve.
  • They have a qualified team and financial resources: You may not have the time or resources to fight your insurance company. Your lawyer and his/her team will make sure that they gather a team to deal with the insurance company and they have the financial resources needed.

Even minor injuries can mean settlement funds if you’re the victim of someone else’s negligence. Let a personal injury lawyer in St. Petersburg help you navigate the legal system and win a settlement against the insurance company.