Texas DWI Frequently Asked Questions

by | Dec 14, 2018 | Lawyers

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For most defendants, a DWI is just the result of a poor choice or a belief that they were below the legal BAC limit. If you’ve been arrested after a DWI accident in San Antonio, though, you probably have a few questions. Our attorneys will answer as many as possible during your free consultation. Here, we list some of the most common questions and answers about DWI.

Texas DWI FAQs

What’s the penalty for a first DWI?
   * What’s the penalty for a first DWI? You’re facing a mandatory jail term of 3-180 days, a maximum fine of $2000, and a license suspension ranging from 90 days to a year.

What’s the penalty for a second offense?
   * What’s the penalty for a second offense? You’ll face a minimum jail sentence of 30 days to a year, a $4000 fine, a license suspension of 180-365 days, and the installation of an ignition interlock device.

What happens to my license when I’m arrested?
   * What happens to my license when I’m arrested? The DPS (Department of Public Safety) will suspend it automatically, for at least 90 days.

Can I contest the suspension?
   * Can I contest the suspension? Yes, you can, but you only have 15 days to request an administrative hearing.

How far back do the courts look?
   * How far back do the courts look? There’s no time limit on prior offenses. If you’ve ever had a DWI, even decades ago, it may still be used to enhance the penalties in your current case.

What happens if I’m under 21?
   * What happens if I’m under 21? The legal limit for those under 21 is .02 BAC. You may face additional penalties for underage drinking, child endangerment, and other violations.

Call Us Today for a Solid Defense

If you’ve been stopped and arrested for DWI, you need a good defense. We offer free consultations to all potential clients, and we respond quickly. Call the Law Office of Jesse Hernandez or visit JesseHernandezLaw.com after a DWI accident in San Antonio.