Protecting Seniors With Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys In Woodbridge, NJ

by | Jan 28, 2016 | Lawyers

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In New Jersey, families review laws to protect their seniors. These laws could prevent unfortunate circumstances produced by an abusive staff. The circumstances could involve avoidable injuries and broken bones. These conditions could threaten the lives of seniors living in a nursing home facility. Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys Woodbridge NJ fight to prevent further injuries and an increase in victims.

Start with the Acquisition of Medical Evidence

At the first indication of nursing home abuse, the family should take their senior to the doctor. Their doctor evaluates their injuries and records them in their medical records. They discuss these injuries with the senior in a safe environment away from the facility. This step allows them to gain credible evidence without placing the senior at further risk.

Work with Law Enforcement to Protect the Senior

Families should report all incidents of nursing home abuse to law enforcement. The senior’s doctor confers with the officers to present evidence of these wrongdoings. After the report is filed, law enforcement can launch an investigation of the facility. Once the offender is identified, they can proceed with criminal charges.

Preventing Further Cases of Nursing Home Abuse

By filing a claim with Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys Woodbridge NJ, families could acquire media coverage. When local facilities are the identified defendants, this could persuade more victims to come forward. It also helps families make sound decisions about where they place their seniors in the future.

Heightening Awareness for the Community

When multiple victims are identified, the case becomes more widespread. This heightens awareness in the community. If anyone in the community has witnessed these crimes, they may come forward and provide testimony. This could make the case more credible and help victims to acquire justice. It could also help with civil lawsuits against the facility and their workers. Browse here for more details.

In New Jersey, seniors are protected from abusive under elder laws. These laws identify nursing home abuse as a criminal infraction. Seniors who have become victims have the legal right to file criminal charges and file a civil lawsuit. Victims of these circumstances should hire nursing home abuse attorneys by contacting Harrell Smith & Williiams LLC in Woodbridge NJ today.