Legal Service Clients Need Not Fear Occupational Bullying. Springfield MA Lawyers Give Case Points

by | Jan 20, 2020 | Legal Services

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Unfair treatment in the workplace is unfortunately much more prevalent than originally believed. Oftentimes, victims refuse to speak up out of fear of reprisal. After all, they have to work with these people every day so the fear is ultimately legitimate. Employees are not without their rights and that’s according to protective labor laws, bar none.

Others choose action as a symbol that no one deserves to be in fear where they have to make a living, filing motions against wrongdoers. In that capacity, they become arbiters for change and figureheads fighting corruption. Supervisors gain power and are held to contractual standards. There are certainly legal limits acting checks and balances.

Knowing When There’s a Case

A consultation with an employment law lawyer in the Springfield, MA, locale would be optimal. When asked by your employer to cut corners, cause abrupt changes of behavior among management, mostly toward yourself, then it’s likely that someone is attempting get back at you. Doubly so when it results in termination. It is possible to bring a defamation suit against your former employer if they’re claims about you to another potential employer prove false.

Going the Extra Mile

Depending on how management treats internal culture ultimately determines character action in the office or any other work environment. It’s not enough to just pass out handbooks with instructions, pledging consent through their signatures. Bottom line: An employer cannot request you to perform an illegal act and there are whistleblower protections available.

Fair treatment is a top priority at Connor, Morneau & Olin LLP, a team of employment law lawyers in Springfield, MA. Make your way to visit us website if you’re in the market for a colleague of care.