Does Going to School Affect Social Security Disability Benefits in Chicago

by | Dec 23, 2022 | Lawyers

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Disability Lawyers in Chicago

Do you need an experienced team of disability lawyers in Chicago? Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income can help most people. However, applications for disability require specific information, and it must be presented correctly. Otherwise, the application will go into the rejection bin, and reapplying can be hard.

Does Going to School Affect Social Security Disability Benefits

If an individual has a medical condition that prevents them from full-time work, they can qualify for benefits. Furthermore, disabled individuals can continue receiving their benefits when enrolled in school. In many cases, attending college or a trade school is encouraged.

These programs help people in need, but applying can be long and stressful. After you qualify, it makes sense to avoid things that could reverse the decision. Nevertheless, students can attend post-secondary educational institutes without compromising their SSDI eligibility.

On the other hand, higher education can break open new industries and possible jobs. Once you obtain a new degree or trade certificate, it will be considered in your review. Earning a diploma does not explicitly disqualify you from receiving your monthly benefits. If you are still unable to work, you can still qualify for disability.

Education can be commendable when pursued for its own sake. People should celebrate when disabled individuals pursue educational improvement. Going to university can be a path of empowerment outside their disability. Moreover, there is a chance that you can find fulfilling work after, and you could do it while disabled.

Contact Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. today to learn more.