Documents Your Philadelphia Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney Needs

by | Mar 7, 2018 | Law And Lawyers

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If you’re struggling with debt and have considered filing for bankruptcy, it can be beneficial to schedule an appointment with an attorney. They understand what it takes to qualify for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and can help you decide if it is the right path for you. Before you schedule your appointment with a Philadelphia Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney, you will need to gather the necessary documents so they can provide the needed guidance.

Financial Records

First and foremost, your Philadelphia Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney will need to see the overall state of your finances. This includes your most recent statements from any bank accounts you own, as well as your latest bills for all debts, including your living expenses and any debts you wish to be included in the bankruptcy. Receipts for any large ticket items you’ve bought over the last year should also be included. This will give the lawyer a clear picture of the current state of your finances.

Legal Documents

There are some legal documents your bankruptcy attorney will also need to see. These include any files from previous litigation against you, especially those from creditors seeking the money owed to them. If you saw any other attorneys, you should include their information. If you are divorced or have a child support order against you, be sure to bring these documents along as well.

Additional Documents

While most people are aware their Philadelphia Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney will need to see documents relating to their finances, there are other items that are frequently overlooked. Before you attend your consultation, collect vehicle and house titles, your lease or mortgage documents, any correspondence with creditors, insurance policies, documents relating to money owed other parties and anything else you feel may have a bearing on your bankruptcy.

If you’re looking for a Philadelphia Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney, visit the Law Offices of Davide M. Offen to find out how they can help.