It can be difficult knowing what to do when you slip and fall while you're in a store. These are three steps to take if it happens to you one day. Alert the Business Owner The first thing you should do if you slip and fall in someone's establishment is alert whoever...
Consider Speaking to Local SSI Lawyers Before Filing an Appeal or Claim
For some people, getting from one paycheck to the next is a true challenge. When someone develops a disability, there are safeguards put into place so these deserving individuals are able to collect on their social security and/or disability benefits. Consider...
The Basics of Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Aurora Illinois
Have you suffered an on-the-job injury or are you dealing with a job-related illness? Are you finding it hard to pay your medical bills and other expenses? If so, you may need help from a workers compensation lawyer in Aurora. Let our team fight for your rights and...
Do I Have Grounds For a Wrongful Termination Suit? Talk With an Attorney!
Being fired was not something you expected to happen. In fact, you thought that things were going well on the job. While it’s natural to be shocked, now is the time to take action. If you believe that the termination was done for reasons other than legitimate ones,...
Why You Might Have to Hire a Child Visitation Lawyer in Hazlet, NJ
Many people are confused with the tenets mentioned in the child custody and visitation law. When parents divorce each other or when two parents live separately, a dispute might arise about who will raise the children. If that happens, both parties will be asked to...