It can be tough for fathers with joint custody, especially on holidays and birthdays in the early years. However, families will become more comfortable with the arrangement, and they will find new ways to enjoy their time together. Some families continue to spend...
Mason Perez
Dealing with Matters of Child Support in Sullivan, Indiana
When a couple chooses to divorce, it is not just about dividing the marital assets and going their separate ways. When children are involved, the court will want to ensure they are taken care of properly. This involves making sure that the non-custodial parent...
Learn More About Traumatic Brain Injury Law
If someone who is close to you has recently been injured in an accident, there is a strong possibility that they may have a brain injury, and when this happens, it is something that could change their life forever. Because of this, it is beneficial to contact someone...
Situations That Call for Help from Real Estate Lawyers
Many people assume that real estate lawyers only take on clients like real estate agencies but the fact is that anyone who owns property or who is thinking about becoming a property owner can benefit from the services offered by this type of lawyer. Here are some...
A Bankruptcy Attorney in Hamilton, OH Can Help Borrowers Protect Their Home Equity
If a person has home equity, their state's homestead exemption laws and their financial circumstances can determine the appropriateness of bankruptcy. Having home equity doesn't determine eligibility, but the equity's exemption status can determine whether a person...