If you’re similar to the majority of working people, the money that you invest in your car is the second largest financial transaction that you’ll make. Only a home mortgage is bigger. Most people make sure that they include mortgage payments in the budget. But they...
Mason Perez
4 Reasons an Employee May Need a Workplace Accident Attorney
A workplace injury is a gray area for many employees. Employees who have been injured in the workplace believe that workers' compensation is their only option. This is the general rule; however, there are some exceptions. If you have been injured on the job, a worker...
Hire Real Estate Attorneys in Santa Barbara, CA to Help Fight Eminent Domain
Even though you may have paid off your mortgage and own your home, you can still have your property taken from you. In California, eminent domain laws allow private property to be taken for just compensation for public use purposes. If you’ve received notice about...
5 Times to Do Estate Planning in DeKalb
In every person's life, there are births, deaths, ups, downs and changes. Estate planning documents should keep pace with these changes to reflect the family's current makeup and the heirs the planner wants to reward. Below are five situations where people should...
Why You Should Hire a Child Adoption LawyerS
Adopting a child is a huge step. It requires quite a bit of paperwork and legal expertise. Regardless of if you have never adopted a child before or have several adopted children, having the resources offered by a child adoption lawyer can be beneficial. Learn more...