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Why Consult with an Experienced Bankruptcy Lawyer

Statistics prove that the implementation in October 2006 of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act has not reduced the number of filings in the country. Incidence of filings for bankruptcy petitions has grown over the past few years to new highs....

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Going Into Bankruptcy? Get a Plank Under Your Feet!

Bankruptcy is never a great option for individuals to contemplate. But when it finally hits you that you are going bankrupt, you feel the floor cave under you. Well fear no more. You can rebuild that floor with a solid plank of support by seeking help from a qualified...

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When Filing for Bankruptcy May Be Beneficial

Unfortunately, it seems that as a last resort, more and more people are filing for personal bankruptcy. The figures have risen to more than 1.5 million bankruptcy filings each year. It is no longer an unheard of option, and the repercussions can be effectively...

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