Arrested on a Serious Felony? Hire a Criminal Lawyer in Ann Arbor MI

by | Aug 28, 2024 | General

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When a person is arrested on a serious felony charge, they should immediately say they want a criminal lawyer in Ann Arbor MI. Then they should say nothing until their lawyer arrives. Police detectives are skilled interrogators. They know how to confuse people and make them say things they don’t mean to say. A lawyer understands the way the police ask questions. He makes sure his client answers them without jeopardizing his case. Police may also try to interrogate a lone defendant for hours at a time and not let them use the restroom. Defense attorneys ensure their client isn’t questioned when he is exhausted or uncomfortable.

The Supreme Court has ruled that police can lie to defendants when they question them. A nervous defendant may confess if a detective says his fingerprints were found at the crime scene. A criminal lawyer in Ann Arbor MI, knows to ask to see the evidence before his client responds to it. Lawyers also know how to assess the quality of evidence. For example, there is a big difference between a complete fingerprint and a partial print. Smudge prints can be very difficult to compare and match. Experts disagree on how to best match a print. Some experts believe that nine matching points are sufficient, while others require 15 or more.

The police will also try to find witnesses that saw the defendant commit the crime. If they can’t find a witness, the police will even put an informant in a cell with the defendant. Police may even listen to phone calls between the defendant and his family. Anything that is said in any of these conversations can be used as evidence at trial. Younger defendants have been known to brag on social media that they stole an expensive item or won a fight. The police often monitor a defendant’s Facebook wall for evidence and leads. Therefore it’s important that the defendant speak to no one except his lawyer about the case. Anyone who would like to know more about working with a defense attorney can visit Hermanowski Law. Contact them for any queries.