Trusted Wills and Trusts Attorney Firm in Rockford, Illinois

by | Aug 10, 2023 | Lawyer

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You recently remarried after a few years as a single person. One of the things your new spouse insisted on was that the two of you create an estate plan. You live in Rockford, Illinois, and you know you will have choices in picking an attorney with experience and good reviews to help you create this estate plan. You want someone who specializes in the field of wills and trusts attorney in Rockford, IL, and in fact, prefer to hire an attorney who works on behalf of the Rockford community.

You realize that because you are joining what had been two separate households, your estate plan might be more complicated than some others. You want to ensure that this is all taken into consideration when planning your estate. Your will and any trust you may create needs to take into consideration the ages and stages of life of both your children and those of your new spouse. More information about these issues can be found at a wills and trust attorney firm in Rockford, IL

It will also have to take into consideration any requirements of previous divorce agreements that either of you might have. Depending on the titling of any place where you choose to live, your will must specify things like to whom you will leave any property the two of you might share or if you or your spouse will live together in the home that belongs to only one of you how that will be inherited.

To create these documents, you will need an experienced wills and trusts attorney in Rockford, IL; you should consult the Brynteson Law Firm serving areas of Illinois, including Rockford. You can reach them at