“Get My DUI Dismissed in Cumberland County”: Start with the Right Attorney

by | Nov 10, 2021 | Lawyers

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It is never good to drink and drive. There are campaigns discouraging drinking and driving for a reason. Unfortunately, people make mistakes from time to time. Getting a DUI does not mean you are a bad person, it just means you had a major lapse in judgment.

This means finding the proper defense attorney. If you have been wondering “how to get my DUI dismissed in Cumberland County,” it all starts with finding the right defense attorney to represent your legal needs.

Finding a DUI Defense Attorney

The process of defense is one that requires fast action. The longer things drag out, the worse it will be for the client. The first step for “how to get my DUI dismissed in Cumberland County” is to find a quality defense attorney.

From there, it is about having experience in handling matters of both a criminal and civil nature. An attorney who has experience in both fields can ensure that you have the representation that you need in this critical time.

Representing Your Rights

One of the biggest issues in DUI defense is that the defendant is not aware of their rights. They do not act in a way that is best for them and find themselves in hotter water than they started. But with the right attorney, your rights can be protected. That means getting a result that is more favorable, even dismissal.

Contact Jameson Stone Law for more information about DUI defense.