An Aggressive Personal Injury Lawyer in Bowie, MD Will Fight for Your Rights

by | Jul 17, 2019 | Attorney

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When a person is injured because of a careless act of another individual, they often feel their rights have been violated and that no one seems to care they’re injured. A personal injury lawyer in Bowie, MD understands the emotional turmoil a serious accident will cause for a victim and will aggressively fight for the victim’s rights. The lawyer will not let the insurance company take advantage of the victim during this vulnerable time.

Why Hire an Attorney?

Although the opposing insurance company might appear as though they care when they call to listen to the victim’s side of the story, they are only gathering information to use against the victim during the settlement procedure. It is never recommended that a victim permits the insurance company to record their call. The insurance company will use open-ended questions hoping the victim says something the company can use against them. The insurance company usually calls within a few days after an accident when a victim is still struggling physically and emotionally to recover from the accident.


A victim can receive compensation for personal property damage, pain, suffering, medical bills, loss of wages, and much more. A victim needs to focus on healing from their injuries and not fighting with the insurance company. An attorney will immediately begin negotiating with the insurance company to achieve a settlement for the victim. A victim should never agree to a settlement until their medical treatment has been completed.

Wrongful Death

If a family member passed away because of their injuries, the estate or family members could file a claim against the negligent party. The compensation for a wrongful death case is like a personal injury claim, except funeral expenses and future loss of wages could be included. The loss of future wages requires a specific formula that a personal injury lawyer in Bowie, MD will help to calculate.

Don’t let injuries or the death of a loved one financially ruin your life forever. An experienced personal injury lawyer will never charge a fee for their services and will receive compensation only if they win your case. Contact us for more information and to schedule a free consultation.