Why is Forensic Cleaning So Important?

by | Nov 2, 2018 | General

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Forensic cleaning services exist in Jacksonville, FL, and beyond to clean up the biological matter that may be left at a trauma or crime scene. This cleaning will bring the location back into a condition that is livable. For this to be done safely, specialized knowledge and equipment are required which you likely do not have. We’ll talk about why this type of cleaning is so important in the article below.

Reasons to Seek Out a Cleaning Service

If your business, home, or other property may have been contaminated with biohazardous material, you should speak to a specialized cleaner for assistance. The companies that offer these services understand the federal and local regulations and rules of the cleanup. This means they will properly restore your home or property to its former condition. Some of the cleanup situations they handle include:

  • Tear gas incidents
  • Unattended deaths
  • Communicable disease contamination
  • Suicides
  • Hoarding situations
  • Homicides
  • Other types of trauma

Why You Should Not Do the Cleanup Yourself

When cleaning up bodily fluids and blood, you may be exposed to pathogens which can cause serious disease of illness. Some of the pathogens that may be present include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, Clostridium difficile (C. diff), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

How Forensic Cleaning Services Stay Safe

One of the major things that a cleaning service will provide is control of the contamination. That means that the cleaners will institute zones for the cleanup, where technicians suit up with equipment, and where equipment is stored. This helps prevent any cross-contamination in the worksite. In addition to that, the cleanup crew in Jacksonville, FL, will wear personal protective equipment such as shoe coverings, goggles, respirators, biohazard suits, and gloves. Most cleaners will also have been vaccinated against both HBV and HCV.

Choosing the Cleaning Company

The best thing you can do is choose a company with experience and a solid plan they use at every scene. You want to bring on people who are capable of the high-levels of sanitation required by local and federal law. If you are looking for assistance after trauma on your property, Business Name is here to help. We offer services at all hours of the day, every day of the year. If you would like more information, you can visit us at .