This Is What Bonding Companies in Cleburne, TX Want You to Know

by | Oct 30, 2018 | Attorney

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Receiving a phone call from a loved one in jail isn’t something that anyone wants to deal with. Having to get someone out of jail is unbelievably stressful, especially if you have no clue what you need to do. Before you jump into the process with blind eyes, there are a few things that bonding companies want you to know. So take a few minutes to read through this before you meet the bail bondsman.

A Bail Bond Is a Loan

When people get arrested, they are brought to jail, where they sit until they attend their bail hearing. Once they are in front of a judge, they’ll be given a bail amount. Bonding companies pay the bail money to the court while they await their hearing.

If the defendant goes to court, then the bail bonds company gets their money back. It’s important for you to know that bonding companies in Cleburne, TX require a fee before they pay off the bond, which is non-refundable.

You’re Responsible for the Defendant

Bonding companies are responsible for paying your loved one’s bond but you have a responsibility too. Since you paid the fee for the bond, you have accepted the responsibility of the defendant so you have to make sure that he or she makes it to court or risk having to pay the entirety of the bail money. So, to protect yourself and your money, don’t pay bail for someone who you think would skip out on court.

Hiring a bonding company isn’t difficult but it is a huge responsibility. If you’re still unsure of your responsibilities, contact Areawide-Amigo Bailbonds to have them explain the process to you in further detail. Also, remember, don’t pay for someone to get out of jail if he or she is not a reliable person because you could end up paying for his or her problems.