What do You Do After A Car Accident?

by | Nov 12, 2015 | Law

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Vehicular accidents are, unfortunately, an unpleasant fact when you have a population that depends upon the automobile. As of October 2015, the number of fatal car crashes in Illinois had increased by 55. This is to say nothing of the amount of people injured in these events. While fatal car crashes are decreasing slightly in Woodstock, McHenry County, they are on the rise elsewhere in the state. This has meant the need to consult auto accident attorneys a necessity when such incidents occur.

The potential for automobile accidents occurring also means you need to prepare yourself in advance. It is very important that you take the right measures following even a minor auto accident. You must understand the steps that will help you and your auto accident attorneys win your case in court.

First Step

After an accident occurs, it is important that someone call the proper authorities. After this is accomplished, you, if you are not incapacitated, need to collect various types of information. If you are physically unable, make sure someone can provide you with the necessary data you and your auto accident attorneys will need later.

The information you need consist of the following:

  • Who Is Involved: Be sure to obtain such vital statistics as names, addresses, cell phone number and email addresses. This applies to everyone who was involved in the accident.
  • Witness Information: Obtain the same information for anyone who saw the accident occur.
  • Insurance Documentation: Find out if everyone had insurance. See if it is up-to-date. Make sure you get the insurance agent or company’s name, address, etc.
  • Photographs: Everyone or almost everyone has a cell phone these days. Someone can take a phot of the accident scene including the damages to all parties and any other pertinent items.

You need this material to provide basic evidence. It can be used by your attorney to support your version of the events prior to, during, and after the accident.

Step Two

Contact a firm that specializes in personal injury. They will have several auto accident attorneys on staff. They will help you with the subsequent steps in this procedure. Among them will be the compilation of several related but different documents including:

  • Police reports
  • Reports made by the emergency vehicles on the scene
  • Medical Records and Documents – These will cover every step of your journey from the initial hospital visit to the current prognosis
  • Accounts from various eye witness accounts

Auto Car Accident Attorneys

After an accident occurs in Woodstock, IL, you may be in too much shock to think straight. However, it is important that someone gather the information necessary to prove your case. While it may seem simpler to talk to an insurance adjuster, it is not the best route to take. Get in touch with a law firm such as the offices of Robert Edens. They have specialists – auto accident attorneys, who can make sure you receive the compensation you deserve, not the money the insurance company wants you to accept.